Thursday, August 4, 2011


Naptime is one of those things that you don't really understand how important it is for you and your child until it's gone. Since Jed moved to his "big boy bed", as he calls it, he has pretty much boycotted napping in there. I don't know if it is because it's to bright and open to rest in the middle of the day, but they are pretty much gone.

Now, this can be a benefit in some ways. If we get out of the house late in the morning, I don't have to worry about rushing back by 12 to put him down. He does well staying up through out the day and we can make more of the afternoon. When he was a bit younger we would have to rush home as fast as we can to get him to his nap on time. Considering being 32 weeks pregnant, getting out in this heat is much harder anyway so we really haven't been able to take much advantage of this benefit unless Dad's off and is our helping hands.

On the other hand, not napping just flat out sucks. Being 2 is border line 'big boy', border line 'baby' so his make-up still warrants an afternoon rest. He gets overtired some afternoons and refuses to lie down but kind of just walks around demanding his Nuk and Guy whining his little head off about everything. There is no negotiation and much melt-down. Poor guy just likes to fight it.

Then, there are days like today where I can get him to nap or at least 'take a rest' in his crib. It's set up on the other side of the room in anticipation for Deuce, but whatever works for now, Right? I do think that it is working a bit backwards but if I have to cage the beast to get some relax time of my own then shall be it. I guess he feels less vulnerable or less distracted in there so sometimes he will calm himself and take a breather. Phew.

Jed has spoiled me for the past almost 2 years. 2-3 SOLID hours EVERY DAY. I had Me time. I could veg, clean, get projects done or just flat out waste time. I could go food shopping in peace if someone was hear to listen for him. I pray that when this baby comes it may be inspiration for him to take a nap of his own again. Yeah, it could be a shot in the dark but I am not ready for my first baby to be a big boy. I need naptime back damnit!

Maybe he just wants more time with Mommy. Yeah, that's it. I'm gonna miss the "Two of Us".

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