Tuesday, July 26, 2011

31 Weeks, 2 Days. (57 days to go)

Too bad this is blurry, but it's still super cute! Kissy Baby!

31 Weeks 2 Days, Baby #2 Man, I feel huge. Just for comparison...

33 Weeks Baby #1 aka Jed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You know you're in the 3rd trimester when...

*Bending over to pick up things requires opening your legs and doing a crazy squat maneuver move.
*There is never enough iced beverage to keep you cool
*Random hot flashes happen well, randomly
*The A/C needs to be on all the time EVERYWHERE
*There are crumbs in your bra when you take it off at night
*Your boobs are exploding out of your bra
*You're constantly looking for the closest milk shake location with the shortest line
*You sit on 2 milk crates at work between customers (I do, at least)
*Ankles? What are they?
*Zantac. Twice a day.
*Ketchup is on the forbidden food list based on the amount of heartburn it causes
*Your impatient 2 year old tells the baby to "Come out!" everyday
*People say things like "How are you feeling?" "Wow! You're ready to pop!" over, and over, and over again.
*You find yourself saying "Hanging in there" ALL. THE. TIME.
*You demand McDonald's at 11pm. YUK.
*Time moves slower
*You take 2 showers a day based on the amount you sweat
*You're counting down the days, minutes, and seconds until the end
*Laces or buckles on shoes are out of the question