Saturday, April 16, 2011

At a Toddler's Pace

I find that life as an adult really makes you want to try to do everything as fast as possible. Everyone wants to be the first turning into the parking lot, first getting on line to check out at the grocery store. When something doesn't scan properly we roll our eyes in annoyance that we have to wait an EXTRA MINUTE(OMG!) for that price check. Why? Because we are in a rush. For what, though? Seriously, do we have THAT much to do to cut off that person to be a WHOLE CAR LENGTH ahead? And why the heck is that guy going the speed limit?! He's wasting my time! My whole lotta precious time!!!!! (George Michael quote there)

Ever since Jed started really walking on his own and growing to be about 35 lbs, I have learned to slow down to his pace. He is not the most easy child to carry, he kinda hates to he held and doesn't really understand the concept of holding on to my side when he is in my arms. What he does like to do is walk next to me and hold my hand, which being 4 months pregnant is a-ok with me.

Now that I am walking with his teeny footsteps, I have memories of what I saw as a child when I too was smaller and slower. He points things out to me all the time and tries to tell me what he sees. These are things that haven't existed on my "grown-up" adult level in a very, very long time. The tiniest little rock catches his eye, and we watch the smallest little ant climb over the sidewalk looking for a safe crack to enter. We stop and take the time to pay attention to the little stuff again, and you can just see the gears turning in his little brain. He's learning and exploring and he's teaching his Mama to do the same again. Wait, WHAT? He's teaching me? I thought it was my job to teach him! Another life lesson from less than a 2-year-old.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it."