Monday, April 4, 2011

Yappy McYapperson!

It really is amazing how fast little humans pick up the ability to speak. Jed is putting words together like a mad man, almost in complete sentences! I can almost always understand what the little booger is saying or what he wants, and it is one of the coolest things in the world.

Now that Jed can "talk" he does it A LOT. He just blabs away whether it makes sense to me or not, but it eventually all will. With his new words and emotion come the "Terrible Twos" or whatever you want to call them. He is overloaded with joy, happiness, frustration, stubbornness, anger, and want all at the same time and sometimes the poor little guy just has no idea how to deal with it. We are in the world of Time Out Land, trying to understand that hitting is not nice, along with whacking the dog and pulling the cats tail.

He's getting it though and I am also coming to understand my emotions better too. He doesn't understand me just as much as I don't understand him, so I have been working on putting my frustrations aside to better teach him to deal with his.
Being a new Mom is quite a road to go down and you begin to learn why some Moms just lose it. I also see why some people weren't meant to be parents, it is a very intense job and it is not for everyone.

Jed has brought the best emotion of all in great quantity to my life. He has made me happier than I thought I could ever feel. Not everything else is perfect in our life right now, but the smallest things that he does on a daily/minute basis just overcome me with joy and love. As I sit here and write this he is finishing off my cereal making a mess all over the table but he looks over at me and gives me this cheezy sh*t eating grin that makes me melt. No I don't eat sh*t for breakfast, it's just a saying.

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