Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Since HE came along...

Dear Plants,
I am very sorry that since HE came along I haven't been a very good caretaker. I forget to water you and cut off your dead leaves. I forget to feed you, wipe of dust and tell you how my day was. I forget to check you for pests and give you my love. I'm sorry. Yet you still show me your beauty. You show me your new leaves and fronds. Sometimes you flower and reach for the sun. For that I am thankful.

Love, Nico

Dear Lily,
I am very sorry that since HE came along I haven't been a very good master. I don't walk you as much, I just throw you outside. I forget to pick up your poop in the yard. I sometimes don't give you breakfast until lunch. I am a horrible fetch partner and I barely brush you. I know you still love me because you follow me everywhere, and I just get mad and yell that you're in my way. I'm sorry. Yet you still kiss me and worship the ground I walk on. You give me your undivided attention, watch out for HIM and protect our house. You still look at me with pure love and loyalty. For that I am thankful.

Love, Nico

Dear Matt,
I am very sorry that since HE came along, I haven't been a very good partner. I don't kiss and hug you as much, I barely snuggle and the end of the day, and I yell at you all the time. I forget to tell you that I love you and I get mad at you over the dumbest things. I order you around with chores and complain that you don't treat me like a queen. I'm sorry. You still love me unconditionally. You still take care of HIM and I. You wake up every morning at 5:20 am to earn our income. You listen to my whining, you follow my demands and you brush off my attitude. You still want to share your life with me. For that I am thankful.

Love, Nico

1 comment:

  1. Awww Nico I love this post. And the pics to go with. Your family is lucky to have you!!
