I can't believe I slacked off on this for almost a MONTH!! AHH! I really don't want this to turn into something that I do every now and then, because then I won't do it! I like writing about little things in my life. It's relaxing. But, no guilt. We have been REALLY BUSY.
The start of June, we went to see Dave Matthews Band in Hartford, CT. I can't believe that was almost a month ago. It felt like forever to happen because I was so excited. For any of you that know me at all, knows that I am border-line obsessed. They are such an amazing band. Anyway, the concerts were great.
Jed stayed with his grandparents for 11 days because after we went to CT, we drove my brother Ian's car to him in Arizona! Well, we tried to at least. The transmission quit 60 mi outside Amarillo, TX, the home of the Free* 72 oz. steak! (* Free if you finish the entire thing PLUS all the sides) It is also the Quarter Horse Capitol of the US. We didn't really plan on learning all this info, but the car was left at a great mechanic and we rented a tiny little Hyundi and we were on our way. The beer made it from VT but the car did not. Ian had to fly to TX a week later and pick it up.
After coming home from Arizona paradise, we got back in the groove and then our little boy TURNED 1!! June 20th, Jed Maxwell was no longer 0. We had a great party at a park in Rye that we split with my two cousins Graduation Party. It was a great time and Jed had a blast. Even though he napped for the first 2 hours or so.
So we are pretty much caught up. Jed starts his baby swim class next week (eek!!) which I am really excited for. More interesting posts to come!